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We're back, and she's chasing for another glory. Here is how she blunders it.

This was a sequence I always wanted to draw but I felt it would be super extensive - and it was. I think this did turn out to be a good page though so I hope you like it too!

I accidentally drew this whole comic too big btw -- You can find the full res in attachments. I think one PNG ended up being 16 megabytes. Whoa!




I love that they initially deal with her the same way you would deal with a bug

Punished Venom Rai

I already finished, now I gotta do it again :P


Bahaha this is great. I love the washers disrobing her


God I love these comics so much 😂😂


Simply pop the hood. I would laugh if the car was a MR type. XD


*laughs!* ^^ Love it!

Austin Morrison

Wow you'd have to be one pathetic cop to fall for the same methods you use to deal with bugs on your windshield