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Double page time! I wanted to squeeze in Page 5 as well, but month's drawing to a close and I have to take care of my other obligations - such as commissions and the Sketch Pack. There are still actually sexy things to look forward to this month, don't you worry <3




Oh this is great, but it's looking like Tails is responsible for the COW-ing, interesting.


Interesting. I like how you in the end add some layers to the characters. And in very well tuned way. They sound...realistic in wierd way.


I'm so darn happy how you add layers of meaningful emotion to this! ;.; *tears of joy* It really makes the build up all the better for it! &lt;3


this couple of pages reminded me a little bit of Eggman's "Mr. Tinker" phase from the IDW comic, where he forgot he was a megalomanaical dictator and found some happiness as friendly inventor. He even briefly lamented losing that lifestyle when he got his memories back...then he unleashed a virus that would have turned all life in the world into metal zombies...