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The new comic project! Returning to the manga-style black-and-white format. Expect up to 4 pages this month! And, erm, you must be having some questions about it... So let me guess them one by one!

Wait... Issue #1? Part 1?! Will there be more issues of C.O.W.?

Mhm!!! There will be a lot of issues of this (where I hopefully get faster churning these out so they won't take so long to finish), each issue being 15 pages. I intend to finish each issue withiin 3 months for now, but that could change.

Is that the story of CEO Super Sonic? She seems normal.

It is! "Founder" Saga is the origin tale, and I wanted to depict Sonic's corruption and wanton desires of becoming more and more presentable.

How long will the "Founder" saga go? 

3 parts, at least. I'll try to keep it concise with 3.

Do you have other stories planned after this?

At least 6 individual stories.

Wait... That sounds like years of content! Is C.O.W. all you're going to do from now on?

Until I get bored, and you tell me you get bored. What's good about C.O.W is that I can stop after a short issue, divert my attention on some other story, and come back to C.O.W for another issue. I intend all issues to depict a serialized mini story in each - unless of course it's divided into parts. Another good thing about C.O.W. is that I find the story malleable and it can fuel a lot of fetishes with different story topics. Besides, I don't mind drawing a Blonde Bitchy Sonic for a long time. Well, it's gonna be black and white anyway but still.

All that while, monthly extra color page continues. I want to make a couple more Sonic the Whore Cop pages but I am intending on giving that slot to something else pretty soon.

I also plan on bringing back the Sketch Pack!

Are there going to be fan characters in these?

Sonic has a lot of office workers under her helm, and those are all positions for some good extras indeed. I will however not overly rely on OCs as I want to utilize more canon characters for these stories. That being said, in the Founder story and further on, you'll find my mod Jack's character Reuben the Badger to be a permanent supporting cast character.

I have another question!

Put it down! I'll read and respond <3



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