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 Hey sweeties! Here's the main event of this month:

Soniq Dahog: The Origin. I'd like to bring you more and more Soniq stories in the future in this mini-comic format (in color or not is subject to change, depending on page count) and nifty Album covers as cover art!

I don't know when I'll be working the next SQHo comic will drop, but if you especially like Soniq I can hasten things up. I have ideas, I just want to treat this piece-meal series as something of a break between bigger releases. That being said, Soniq is one of my ABSOLUTE favorites in the Sonikko multiverse. You demand, and I'll hear. Even -and especially- my monthly break that starts in less than a couple days.

Hope you enjoy it! The pictures above are 50% resized for hopefully easy reading. You can find the full versions of the pages in the attachments. Again, thanks for making this possible everybody. I will enjoy my rest to the brim, and I hope you enjoy Soniq for what she's made for!




Holy shit. This is an amazingly hot comic. I love how no matter what store you're doing, Sonic always starts off as a guy just so you can turn him into a girl again. The ghetto language is a bit much for me honestly, mainly just because it's hard to understand it LOL. But the look is just something to behold, especially once she gets that tan. I adore this.


I always go too hard on mock language lol, sorry. I like the element of her forcibly having difficulty in communication. Thank you so much, I'm glad you found it hot! It's less LEWDs and more of the fantasy element I wanted to play this time around (which, you know, as the story progresses, won't stay like that forever). I was scared that "no fucking" would make people get disappointed a little bit, so this makes me happy.


Also ha, rereading it for the fifth time, I realized I kept reading the line on page three as "What a sassy thot!"


I love the tan.


i think this is my fav character youve made x3

Keytee Tamirian

Sonic got a Valis treatment ^_^ In case you don't know, Valis was a series of action games with a blue-haired warrior girl. It was popular in japan in 80's, but got forgotten in 90's. And then, in 00's it was remade... as a hentai game.


Oh wow, interesting! Apt too, love it! Thank you for the trivia! Might prove further inspiration for the stuff I want to put Sonic through!