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I hope by now you've gotten a taste of what Kargob is cooking and you're happy to be here!

I just wanted to remind you that my $1 tier will remain open until the 6th Anniversary of the series on March 5th. 

There are currently about 1400 free members - if 10% of you sign up, I'll hit a major milestone of $2000 USD a month, which just happens to be the equivalent of the New Zealand full-time minimum wage. That's an important first step in building a resilient brand that can endure whatever life throws my way.

It also means that when I have guaranteed work elsewhere, I can afford an assistant, which I've been wanting for myself for a while now. Maybe because I'm lazy?? But also maybe it'd be a big step forward.

If you wanna help out, but paying isn't feasible, reading the series on Webtoon would be awesome - we're about to pass the massive milestone of 50 million page views. That's the kind of thing Hollywood love to hear about.

While we're on that subject... Go support my friend Litterbox Comics with her TV Pilot too! Living the DREAM!

Still, I want to make sure you feel well served here, regardless of your finances - so whether you decide to join us or not, feel free to leave some feedback about what you'd like to see this year on the Swords Patreon. Maybe we're overdue for Acid Sword II : Electric Broadsword...

Wow! Thanks for your time! 



Would but the Patreon app is so very broken for me now and I can't manage or start subscriptions anymore, probably because I have more than a hundred active paid subs and they only test anything for like 5. The links/buttons to subscribe just go to a page saying to open it in the app, and that opens the Play Store for the app I'm already using... The desktop site is about as functional (ie. almost not at all). I wouldn't be surprised if I'm already subbed, I haven't been able to manage all of my Patreon subscriptions in over 3 years on any of the platforms. Actually, suspecting I may already be a member, or something broke server side. Patreon pretty much never sends push notifications for free posts.


According to the app you are a Former Member. I'm not really sure if everyone gets a message when it's free or not? Some people definitely saw it.

Narcissus Vanlandingham

I upgraded to the $2 tier recently, but it wouldn't let me check out with the $1. (not that I mind paying a little bit more to one of my favourite artists. I wish I could pay a little more, to be honest.)