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Hi everyone!

Firstly, thankyou so much for continuing to support the series!  I thought I would take this opportunity to let you know what is happening everywhere.

Discord emotes:
If you haven't received a Discord emote as a reward yet, please let me know what you would like in the replies below.  Lots of people have requested them in the actual Discord chatroom, which has made keeping track quite difficult!  Even if you have had yours delivered, I'd appreciate you letting me know here, so I can mark your prize as done.

Guest appearances:
If you haven't received your guest appearance comic (and most people haven't yet, to be fair), please let me know what you would like in the comments below, or request that I send you a direct message.  I will send a direct message to anyone I don't hear from sometime in the next two weeks either way, but if you want to jump the cue, now's the time!
Ideally I would like to get all guest comics owing done in September.

World Map:
This is still a work in progress!  You can see a preview in #kargobs-keep of the Discord chat.

I'm currently finalizing designs for the following:
~ A Kargob enamel pin
~ A set of Sword stickers
~ A set of 4 large badges
~ A postcard
~ Physical world map
All of these things will be included in the Swordthusiast tier and will be otherwise available on an (eventual) online store.  Intended delivery date is November.

Main Quests:
[Quest #1] - Complete!
[Quest #2] - Complete!
[Quest #3] - Complete; but undelivered (a store needs stuff to put in it)
[Quest #4] - Wednesday livestreams of the comic making process (90% reached)

Some Other Happenings:
- The website will be migrating from being Tumblr based to a dedicated site (thanks to pennomi), which means more bells and whistles!  It will be done when it is done.
- I've recently made a Webtoons and a Facebook page for the series.  Links are below!
- I've updated the Patreon page.  I think it looks a lot nicer.
- Added a 'God Tier' pledge for fun.  
- Created a Swords font, which will soon support Cyrillic.  Did you notice the change over?
- I'll be participating in Inktober, using the official prompts for whole episodes of Swords.  Day one's theme is "poisonous".

Twitter Thread
Twitter Moment
Swords Subreddit
Facebook Page
Discord Chatroom ⚔ 




Holding off on my guest appearance for now, will have better details at a later date. EDIT: got my emote as well, it's Chad's buns


I've already got my emote, but haven't received the guest comic. We talked over something like The Emperor's New Clothes, but obviously more swordy.


I have received both my discord emote, and guest comic. Quest completed!


Would you mind messaging me, wanted to talk about the guest appearance comic, kind of stoked haha


My first ever Patreon donation goes to you sir! (Stoked for the guest appearance). I have a blast reading your comics and love the world you've made.