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It looks like the pieces were removed by both parties. Thank you for helping me on this one, I really appreciate it. I hate getting people riled up about stuff like this, so most of the time when it happens I just keep it to myself. I find art thieves about once a month, and it's usually Marzipan. However since it's stuff specifically from here, I didn't want to just let it slide because it affects you guys too.

I want to reiterate that you should NOT be sharing pieces outside of Patreon unless you're my client and/or you own the character. From now on, I'm going to start watermarking my Patreon exclusive pieces as such in order to deter people from posting them in public spaces in the future. I know that probably won't stop it permanently, but it gives me a little extra protection because it'll be written on the piece itself. It'll be pretty obvious that it's stolen if they decide to upload it elsewhere. 



Good solution, glad it was solved quickly!


What an asshole. I’m sorry that happened to you, but I’m glad they took it down so quickly!