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Huh, I underestimated Mack. Thought he could only think with his sword. You've got a good head on your shoulders, Mack. Try not to lose it on the next page.


You're going to have to be reminded of your failure to act causing a lot of your problems -- that sounds like real governance to me...


So Mayapple lets the corporations run loose and flat out did not do her job to focus on her reckless and unethical project with the slimiest villain scientist in the world. The same project that formed the core of Prism as she knew could happen. How about both Fox and Apple have trials in neighboring courtrooms.


Well that's one way to change a subject.


I wanna know who that is..isn't that one in the shadows the one from the cover?


The shadowy figure looks like he has crazy eyes...


Mayapple may not have made the best calls but I feel like there is only so much one can do, even if she wasn’t making Farrah, the whole system seems... broken


Yes, Mack. Because supporting a neighboring nation is as easy as "Here, have money!" That won't cause animosity amongst any one at all. An excellent example of this, is in the game Final Fantasy 14. Which handles a situation where a ruler of a rich nation (Ul'Dah) want to support a struggling nation (Ala Mhigo) which is on the verge of complete economic collapse. And how said ruler has to balance helping Ala Mhigo, without giving them outright charity. 'lest the people of her nation get upset that she's giving open hand outs to others, while there are still people in her own country that are struggling. While it's not exactly the same thing, it's an excellent example of how delicate, and difficult, helping a foreign nation can be.


Good points but it was not "give money", it was "your corporations are taking advantage of and enslaving us!" they controlled not just the tourist economy but the shipping to the island if I recall, And Foxglove was begging for them to be reigned in, but Mayapple was off playing mad scientist and the person she delegated to said NO without consulting her or consequences it seems. That is a whole different stinking kettle of fish.


Mack is right and about to be dead...again


Front row crowds probably like “This is a parade, why are they arguing and making faces at each other?”


Mack is calling out Mayapple on not Helping Foxglove when she could’ve. I honestly find this to be so great given that in the game, Crow’s rise to power and breaking the norm only began because Mack basically did the same thing Mayapple did by not fighting Crow on level one. The both ignored a problem and let it spiral to massive proportions.