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If this was the plumber that beat up the Buzzerlings during the war then they officially got off lucky.


Bloody hell, she's really learned NOTHING from her experience? Time for the loop to start.

Blade Tech

I’m actually strangely curious to see foxglove on this hunting trip.


Seriously... She was dead a minute ago and Mack took an ENORMOUS risk (and sacrificed I-don't-know-how-many lives) to save her and now she's just there lying to his oblivious father and getting armed to kill Mayapple as soon as possible. It's like if the shop's old man would want to take revenge and kill the kid who stole from him. Just because you were saved by a hero don't make you innocent. You have to make up for your mistakes. Otherwise you'll just repeat them and this time no one will come to save you from the fall.

Blade Tech

Hey guys, I know you guys say foxglove needs to change so she doesn’t make the same mistakes, but I think you guys forgot what universe this is, you can still be a villain and not be a bad person. I mean as long she just holds back just a “little bit” I think It’s fine.


Hate is one hell of a drug eh Foxglove? That said considering that Sword's bosses sent "something" to deal with them I honestly think that gun will probably see an unexpected use well before she can get to Mayapple.


...I forget, which is first chonologically, this or Fractured? Because depning on the order there may be a three way war brewing...


Thaaaank you! That's been running through my mind since these two started.


What was the law tho?


I'm just waiting for the twist. I have this feeling at the back of my head that there will be one.