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I agree, SHE IS A RED SPY!


I am not familiar enough with escaped mental patients to know what the correct or most villainous course of action would be here. So I'm just going to point out that Crow apparently keeps a corded phone in his arm, which I'm not sure if it is weird or if its clever, and hope he doesn't get stabbed.


Oh dear.


...I’m not sure I like where this is going but on the other hand I’m excited for possible future events and also possible backstory of exact reasons why Lark is... how she is now. I mean, I know it was about how awful working under Buzzard is but none of the others went bonkers. Or, rather, none of them went that bonkers.

Blade Tech

Does anyone in their family have the right to be called sane?


The corded part threw me off as well, especially since Owl is using a wireless phone.


really...THAT would be the most irresponsible thing he's EVER done?...Owlbert honey do you know what other crap your brother has been up to?


Things are about to get messy.

Supercharged (CEO of 9-Volt)

I don’t think that knife is going to get through Crow’s armor. If anything, he’s going to love the fact that she tried to literally backstab him.


Honestly makes me wonder if they know, or care, about how poorly Lark was being treated at Lockheed. Would Owlbert be okay with her being there, if he knew they just threw her food on the floor, and insulted her to her face?


To be fair throwing the food on the floor wasnt intentional