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What law is that? Kidnapping? Unlicensed ownership of a doomsday device? Destruction of property? Distribution of glamour dust? Unpaid parking tickets?


Dont tell me its the frienship between crow and malice. Please no.


...A part of me is hoping for the comedic value of something stupid minor. Another part of me is hoping it’s something major that drives a legitimate rift between Crow and Mayapple. “Fairburn” could legit go either way.

Dark ninja

I don't trust virtue


I feel like the “enforcement” here is something worse than the usual imprisonment. And this is a world where they laugh off actions like kidnapping, assault, and destruction of public property. Even killing a hero isn’t enough to dampen relationships between the heroes and villains, considering how many times Mack’s died. So what’s bad enough that Virtue wants them to bring out the big guns?


Virtue going in for the kill like an assassin.....DAMN....

Dark ninja

Well crow kidnapped multiple princesses (and one prince) and was a stone's throw away from taking over the world, and i suspect that old law virtue dug up may involve some "execution" penalty. Though i suspect virtue has ulterior motives and just wants crow gone because he managed to break the status quo. Virtue may even have fabricated that old law for the sake of getting rid of crow and protecting the status quo


Mayapple only seems to dig her grave deeper and deeper


Is that file about Crow directly I wounder, or does it have to do with the other Buzzerdlings more? If anything would set Crow off, It's some policy that wrecks his siblings lives going into effect. We shall have to see, but Mayapple apparently promising some vague IOU to a political type like Virtue is just pathetically clueless.


My guess is it has something to do with Lark, since she won a story poll recently.