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Dude, evil bunnies. Evil evil bunnies....I KNEW BUNNIES WERE EVIL!


Ah, instant obedience. Good minions.

Blade Tech

1. So pretty much all the bunnies are similarly evil like foxglove 2. I love foxglove still has the villainous respect she gained from the space station disaster 3. Oh nice call back to the first issue with them throwing people in volcanoes because they think it makes rain

Blade Tech

Hey wait a second those are the two bunnies from the very first page! You know right before crow showed up. They said “you got the money?” “We bring the honey.”


Wow, Foxglove wasn’t joking in chapter 1. They really did go back to throwing virgins into the volcano for rain...

Dark ninja

I wonder if mack will be the hero of kyuutopia now


Sometimes what you need is an evil overlord to get things in order. ...Don't quote me on that.


It's like the wolf from Hoodwinked said: never trust a bunny.


Oh yeah. I forgot Kyuutopia’s situation is... not great.


Suddenly Foxglove's views on using force and fear to get things done make much more sense. Also there was no exaggeration when she described her people wayyyy back in the first story.

Blade Tech

Hey I just went back and binge read all of volume 1 and these 2 girls have been the most consistent background characters in the story as they are always together. Their names are never mentioned even here but this is the first time I and we have ever seen their personalities. Also while rereading volume 1 they are essentially Foxglove's top minions her left and right hand (bunny Wo)Men. Here is every appearance I found them in.

Blade Tech

Chapter 1 Page 1 Page 24 Chapter 2 Page 23 Chatper 4 Page 14 Page 24 Chapter 6 Page 24


Foxglove must be so proud of her people


Crowletariat rise up.