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I'm not sure if this counts as nsfw so, I'll just leave it for everyone xP

PS: I just want to clarify that I do the LGD stuff as a kink, like I draw forced stuff sometimes. It must be left in fiction and not take it to irl.

 It's not any kind of homophobia, it would be like shooting myself in the leg...
Just wanted to say this cuz' I've been seeing some people cry over my LGD stuff on some sites.

It's just porn, don't take it so seriously... 




I didn’t know I was into bird girls


As a gay girl, my opinion is that your LGD content is fantastic, and it satisfies a kink that I rarely find content for anywhere else. Usually, the other stuff I can find is too aggressive, demeaning, or otherwise uncomfortable for me to enjoy, so I'm ecstatic that you draw what you do!

Nell Joestar

Yeah, that's how I feel about most other lgd, which is why I try to draw what I want to see in lgd. And actual real lesbian characters, not the average slut female every nsfw artist has but with a pride flag skin xP


Oh yeah, I can tell you develop your characters. Why would you draw a page of this one just making perfectly normal conversation if you didn't want her to be believable?