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The guy in the ending really looks like Hohenheim in Xerxes. Maybe it’s him


That’s just an assumption, but I think dwarf in the flask has eaten the Truth of the Earth, but, like, every alchemist has the separate Truth inside them


"Get up, third-string. I'm gonna show you just how out of your league you are" is what Ed said at the beginning of the series, when kicking the ass of the false miracle-working priest asshole. It's a nice little call-back. The idea of reversing the arm-for-soul exchange from the beginning was so obviously always on the table, but I'm willing to bet not a single FMA fan even thought of it until it actually happened. I am weirdly happy that Mei was a necessary part of it. Obviously a tragic duty, but it really adds to the otherwise underexplored ship and reminds you that despite lacking in flashy firepower or combat ability, Mei is a deceptively powerful alchemist (alkahestrist?) with that "remote" skill that even our other powerful Xingian characters don't use.


The way I see the God thing is that everyone and everything contain God but God is more like a mirror earlyer in the show when izumi is talking about when she committed the taboo the God figure looked like a adult female form also the being itself never called itself God it sed what you might call God it also in the same sentence it referred to its self as you to Ed and even with the dwarf in the flask when he takes the world's truth I think he only takes what he invisions as God raw power kind of like people reading religious texts and getting 100s of different meanings from it hoenhime also mentioned dwarf in the flask ate what he calls god