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I'll keep this brief because I still want it to be *sort of* secret however I think people who are interested deserve to get a look. I won't be posting about this on Twitter or on Discord though (outside of the exclusive supporter channel)

If you want to truly go in blind, by all means, stop reading now!

So I've made some allusions to this next game being more system based and that's still very true, in some ways it will be like a management game mixed with an exploration game. The setting and subject matter of the game involves going underground and finding things there. Strange things.

There will be multiple "characters" in the game however they are more like things to manage rather than characters with motivations/desires/plot lines.

I think the tone and subject matter is pretty different than something like Growing My Grandpa! its more in-line with a traditional "go someplace and scary stuff happens" horror story except not really, there will be a blending of intentions and attitudes, and like Growing My Grandpa! or Water Womb World, motivations of certain forces will be sort of unclear.

The game will also take a slightly more supernatural tone than previous entries. Maybe less than The Well but more than Growing My Grandpa!

Once again I extend a warm welcome to all the new patrons, I'm glad to have you here. Once again if you have any questions about anything please message me here or on discord. 

But anyway, Halloween, get hyped!

Yours In Games,



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