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Hey everyone, so I’ve been in crunch mode getting Ruins Of The Human Temple in order to try and get it to you before the end of the month, still pretty certain its feasible just have to buckle down and focus on it. In my haste I have come up with a few new twists to the story which I think give the game more depth. I don’t want to spoil anything but I was sort of inspired by Silent Hill 2, that's all I’ll say though.

From the video you can see I did some work on the GUI, made it a little more thematically and tonally appropriate, I also have a final design for the SLAVE and DRONE character portraits and redid some of the sound effects/music.

The spinchtor looking door I made in Blender and I’m pretty proud of it. I think my 2d work in making weird flesh monstrosities has transferred over pretty well to 3d stuff. It helps that I don’t have to be super detailed and only technically proficient up to a certain point because all my stuff is kinda low-res.

Just a quick post and then I am getting back to work however I also wanted to say that I am going to try and stream on Discord more regularly. I would especially like to do streams where I do art/music. If you are not yet taking advantage of your patron discord privileges please stop by and check it out :)

I’m super excited to have the next month to work on Growing My Grandpa! (that is still a working title but i sorta like it???) I promise it will be perfect for the halloween season.

As always thanks so much for your support and feel free to reach out if you have any comments or questions.




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I love the title "Growing my grandpa" it sounds harmless yet uncanny, so it immediately draws you in (to the horrors, I am sure).