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So I have a working build available there are still a couple bugs here and there but everything works well enough for me to be proud of it lol. I last checked the google form like around an hour ago and updated it with the new data if you were not included I will get you in as soon as I get another build out of the door.

here is the form again:


I made a windows build first so if you are a mac user and get your key and find there is not a mac version up there yet I am working on it and should have it uploaded tonight.

Thanks everyone again so so much I'm so happy I'm finally getting something to you all, even if it is this semi-short one-button thing. 

Please let me know what you think of the game when you get a chance to play.

yours in games,




So excited!! Also, any news on Family Dinner? :D I am so unbelievably hyped for that game.


Unsettling...I LOVE IT !


Yes I'll be making a post about family vacation in a bit


I didnt receive the email with the game :(


Sorry for the delay! i should be getting the rest out within the next hour or two