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Hey everyone, so I discussed this a little on the discord server but not all of you are on there so I wanted to make a post here for the plan going forward. As you know, my Patreon so far has been focused on behind-the-scenes content and giving explanations for inspirations/how stuff is made. I still plan on doing this going forward! However, I wanted to give you the gist of the plan that I had for this series of bite-sized games I will be making. I plan on making 5 bite-sized games, each a couple minutes in length, probably focused around a singular mechanic. You, as patrons, will get access to early copies of the games as soon as they are good to go. Once I have made the 5 in the series, I will release them all as an anthology out to the public, where I will probably charge a couple bucks for the product.

Along with all of this, I plan on continuing development of Discover Our Bodies, and keeping you updated on that front too. Development has been a little slow on this front because I have been doing a lot of re-writing of my code to make it more usable in the future. It’s not very fun or creative work, so I don’t have a lot to report or show you, unfortunately.  

Also, I recently came into some money which I'm going to put into buying a Macbook for development purposes, so look out for Mac ports of classic Yames games soon!

And finally, sometime soon, I will put out another poll with some options for further restructuring the Patreon a bit. I don’t think I want anybody to lose benefits, but I want there to be more incentives for people pledging at 5 and 15 and 50 dollar levels, besides extra bonus content.  This is all an evolving process and I’m learning a lot (I’ve never had a Patreon before!) as I hear from you and make decisions.  

With all that being said, I hope you are looking forward to the release of the first game in the anthology! I know I am eager to show it off.



Sounds sick. Keep it up.


i'm not the one to actually play horror games myself, since i'm too easily frightened. but I'm excited for these bite-sized games to come out! maybe i'll ask someone else to play them with me :)


Ah, what a good idea! I was originally wondering what way you could monetise the games, and this seems like a fair solution. don't burn yourself out yames! fight on!! :)