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What began a few years ago with an idea to show a world in a video game turned evolved into a universe I want and can finally start sharing with everyone. Its finally appropriately time I think to reveal all the just absurd levels of work I've been doing. Not just Cat/Suit, but a full on accompanying roleplaying and table top RPG system to fit the universe setting

It started with wanting to tell a story I had kicking around in my head for a while. Cat/Suit. I have story ideas all the time. Sometimes, I know what to do with them, othertimes I just put them in a box in my head and shove them onto a shelf. But Cat/Suit and starting that game changed all that. It started with this idea for a sort of 'symbiote' race of beings made out of emotions and memories impressed upon inanimate objects. That's how Edglings were born. Inklings then were the evil variant of them. The sexiness and narrative fascination of of living catsuits was just a bonus, honestly. It all started with Cat/Suit.  

Then, I started to create more things. I dreamed up the cosmology of how the planet Edgt worked.  I made characters, I made the world, I made monsters and vacweb spiders and enemies and came up with lore and a magic system and... And people actually showed interest in those creations! 

I had never encountered that.  I was SO USED to thinking people didn't care about my ideas. It was just about the kink, that I could paint well. I grew up always putting my ideas and imagination secondary to literally everything. I STILL struggle with sharing my ideas outside of highly specific settings. Its just this mental roadblock I've had thanks to growing up really poor and thinking thanks to environmental circumstances that my ideas weren't worth much.   

It took me a long while to realize I could just make things I wanted to see that didn't, and other people would gravitate toward them.   

Fast forward then. 

Frustrated because the scope of what I wanted to REALLY tell wasn't just the game, but the universe of ideas I had. The game was and still is just the introduction to it all. I was developing a whole flippin' universe. When I went to Unreal 5, and things began to progress so much more, and I saw what I could do, I started to think it was finally time. I could create whatever I saw in my head, bring it into a 3d environment, and I've been building levels and character models. But it still wasn't enough. 

I needed to be able to put to paper all the ideas I was having. I need to finally show you all, to show everyone- just how probably crazy my scope is. I want to create a universe. I HAVE created a universe. A universe with very deep lore. Where fans of mecha, anime, fantasy and sci-fi can make characters of a wide variety of represented races, cross-breeds, types of classes, power sets, and have a concrete basis to say 'This is what they do, this is how they do'. 

A universe where everything that makes sense to exist does. Is there still a hell of a lot of spicy ideas? HELL YES. But there is also spicy magic, giant robots, space ship battles, desert worlds of corrupt techno worshippers, intrigue across a near infinite array of stories I can tell, and no limitations for what people want to make in this universe.  

Living catsuits, techno hive minds, planets of spider aliens that torment victims for a thousand years to sing praises to their dominators. Eromancers who weave desire with fire and thunder, rogues who smash with giant swords and mages who call forth great dragons from the depths of space. I have finally opened my floodgates, and will be giving you all SO MUCH to get into from now on. Not just a world. But a universe.   And it all started with Cat/Suit. And Cat/Suit will be the first game set in this universe.   WELCOME... To my Wild Yonder.

On the Patreon Discord, there will be within the hour added a whole beginning compendium of classes that fit the universe, 29 races, a beginning basis for how all the stats, system, character creation and everything works in this universe. I will be working in a playground of unlimited imagination from now on, and showing the incredible depth of ideas I have to show off. 

PATRONS will be getting exclusive rewards again.

Not just advance testing of levels for Cat/Suit, character models and art of Cat/Suit. But a chance to have their characters become important named lore characters in my expanding universe. Become part of comics and books and stories official to the universe and its lore. Patrons will get to vote on new races, subclasses I develop next, and weapon, tool, space ship and mecha designs. But not just that. I fully intend to have miniatures, charms, t-shirts, art and whole comic books that will all be exclusive to Patreon. And lest I forget one important detail, while all published materials of the universe, its people, its lore and magic will be available eventually for anyone to get-

The deep Compendium of Eros Magic, Technology and Creatures will only ever be available for Patrons. Including any merchandise related to it.

There is going to be SO MUCH going on, and its all starting now. I finally for the first time in my life really feel like I'm doing the thing I am meant to do. 

A whole universe begins here. Welcome to my Wild Yonder.



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