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WHEW. I have a BUNCH of things to show you guys, but the build is raw still and I only had so many chances to double-check a bunch of things. I have some posters and a load of assets to post up as well, but I managed to animated cutscenes to play properly (which means fully 3d animated squirming beauties to enjoy!) and the AI path tracking to half work, half as in I still have to get the proper tracking and death animations to play, but the underpinnings are in!

This next build will be about getting the saving system in place and the character menu and stat screen! 

ALSO, this update introduces Sif properly and her giant sword! 

Anyway, let me know what errors are found but otherwise just enjoy! There's a LOT more sexy that needs to be added in still!

Just in case the link acts weird like it has in the past> https://mega.nz/file/crozHYKY#ptuJTtNQ0j61ouz-m_4QDTw4i6CSJ3TPYHe8ldg2tjY


209.98 MB file on MEGA



I really love the way this is going. Unfortunately the demo is unplayable to me. When I start new I get stuck at the stone pillar where you meet Hailey and when I start as the blue one I don't seem to be able to get anywhere...


well, just fine. we start the game and the cat character runs in one direction without stopping . after fast start to play as blue wolf is too easy get stuck in sprites. And if you approach the door and the screen starts flashing black endlessly. you would at least check it before uploading... the feeling is that you just threw a piece of garbage into our faces (c) eat it, what?


It´s nearly the same for me I start walking and I get stuck to the wall and just keeps running. I really love your artstyle but sadly I have to say the game gets worse every update. I joined you with the first version of the game and I loved it but now you try to better it but I think you just outdoing yourselfe with new ideas and loosing your original way :C.


Gotta agree with everyone here. I keep hoping you will get better, but you are only getting worse. It has gotten to the point where I am considering unsubscribing due to how poor the game has gotten. My advice, go back to when you were using the RPG maker and revisit your roots.


I just pledged to you so I could try this game but if all these game breaking problems aren't fixed I'll have to leave :/


FOR one reason I can’t eve load the game it crashes instiently didnt have the problem with the over builds


Having the movment issue too some times it seems like its almost lag in the controls.. mostly happens when your going to the right, thought maybe it was a glitch of the shadows but ruled that out from the multiple plays i tried. Your making good progress though hopefully you can get the movement issue fixed. Might be due to some cut scene issue too since it happened briefly when i spied one of the vac-web spiders. Hopefully that helps tracking down the issue. Figure you've all ready had tons of messages about it by now.