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Hey everyone! 

This is a two-part thing. First, just a genuine-

'Thank you and Happy Holidays'

-for everything. 

Now a big long post of what I'm working on and why I'm excited for it. This year hasn't been easy, I mean my life in broad strokes has never been, but it has been a bigger learning experience than usual. I switched the game development over from a pretty but standard RPG maker game and started making something a bit nicer, a bit more personal and (yes) a bit more complex. I'm really thankful you've been patient while I've gotten my head around all the tougher problems and the next build (out January 15th!) will have an additional 5 maps, the current maps smoothed out and (fingers crossed) the first AND second 3D cutscene integrated into the game. 

BUT, a bigger thing than that is 2 big things. First, let me finally cover what I realize I need to change, and then the new Patreon Rewards tiers that I'm gonna implement which will reflect that I'm changing. 

..New changes!..

I need to diversify what I work on. The patreon shouldn't be relied on to keep me afloat in game dev because my goal of making 2000 a month just doesn't seem to be achievable. Heck I haven't even met the bare minimum 1k for me to consider this a part-time thing for months now, and I've been treating it like a full-time job so much that bills and life have on numerous occasions been jeopardized. Not that I'm going to take time away from Cat/Suit development time. I'm going to cut into my commission and other work time so that I can churn out smaller bite-size fetish focused video game experiences and offer them for a few dollars a piece. Since Cat/Suit is meant to be a sprawling epic oldschool RPG experience, these new ones will be like platformers, 3d exploration maze/horror games, puzzle games and a visual novel. Those are just a few of the smaller bite-size sexy content I plan on making. My new goal next year will be more consistent updates on Cat/Suit at the 15th of every month and every 2 months a new short fetish game experience at the end or beginning of the month. 

I know now that I can't just doggedly work on 1 thing and 1 thing only because I'm so used to working on 3-5 things at once in life. By diversifying and giving full smaller games alongside Cat/Suit's action RPG gameplay I can buffer my income and build up a better experience for myself and for all of you and my fans beyond Patreon. 

My first game, a noir thriller investigation story with a sexy set of detectives will come out at the end of January actually! You'll get to see some artwork and sprites from that soon. It gives me more energy, motivation and creativity to spread out and work on multiple things at once, and if I can cut out more commissions and focus on JUST making games while not having to worry about the overwhelming fear of bills on my back, then all the better. I am so, so, so painfully tired of worrying every month if I'll manage to get my internet paid or if my heat may get shut off. 

..As for Patreon Rewards, good things on the horizon!..

As I'm going to be diversifying Cat/Suit and smaller more purely focused fetish content the tiers above 3$ and up will get access to assets and scripts and sketchwork and pitched content that won't end up in anything. I'm ALSO going to start livestreaming again every 2 weeks. This last year I worked a lot on managing social interaction, and while it's still something I struggle hard with I know I need to make the effort to make it where I want to go. 

The first Cat/Suit merchandise is being 3d modeled now, and you'll get a preview of that soon as I finish the model itself. 

Tier 20 and 50 will be getting all new rewards, as the 20$ tier will gain the 'Custom Sprites' tier that existed in the RPG maker period of game development. They'll be inserted into the new smaller-game experiences as background sprites and characters.  The 50$ will get to choose if they want to be in the smaller games or Cat/Suit, but they'll regardless get custom sprites and custom bonus artwork that can be accessed in the games. 

Moreover though, as I am going to progressively work more and more with 3d rigged models in full 3d game experiences I will begin taking Patreon supporters characters and turning them into 3d models to work into the games. 

That was a bit to read, so I just have one more thing left.

I've been doing this game dev thing alone for more than a year, and its time I cast a net because its SO hard to do this all solo and manage to scrape by surviving on scraps. I'm going to be expanding my development team by well, making it more than just a solo act. Those plans are well under way but I don't want to say who I'm looking for and what I'll be trying to compensate them with just yet (because lord knows I have little to pay people with right now). Definitely know I need someone to help with scripting, as that is what has and will take me the longest time to get.

Cheers, and thank you all again for a good year. 2020 was hard I feel like for everyone, but 2021 can be where I finish Cat/Suit and give everyone a big crazy, fun, kinky world to play in. Cat/Suit, and so much more. 

-XOXO, A Crow in love with shiny things.



Cheers. Looking forward to keep supporting you in 2021


Something I recommend is taking a peek at Tvvv's projects. They might be a good idea for those bite sized fetish projects that might be able to encourage excitement for your patreon. http://lipucd.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-87.html While I'm a tad disappointed since I was in the 20 bracket, I'd love to see you keep going and assist any way I can.