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Amber and Allie update! Amber is like 90% done, just needs a nude variant, some hip changes and texture additions but she's practically there! I've been very excited to get these guys updated to the current style of the others and am very, VERY pleased with the results

I commissioned @Arthur_OutOrder on Twitter to remake Allie and pretty much redo Amber's hair to be WAY easier to animate with. They did an absolutely phenomenal job with the original concept art I doodled of Allie and made it true to the artwork!

I also commissioned @lamCringe (Twitter suspended now) to remake amber, though it did take some time to make the rig came out fantastic in the end! I'm very happy with her look! Gonna work on making her slightly more cellulite then she'll be finished

Tell me what you guys think? I'm very happy with how they both turned out. Their changes are pretty much set in stone as I've been wanting to do these for ages but I'm always open to feedback




I like the new Allie! Its much brighter to match the others and she is much more stylized- I hope its fun to animate and the pain is tolerable ^u^


Looks bad, ask for a refund 🥴 (/j, love le Arthur)


It's gonna take some getting used to their new models but they look amazing!


I like the teeth for Allie

Sindy Bylund

Ive been imaging Amber as like, this western farmgirl, so seeing her skintone so much brighter and the entire hairstyle rework makes her look more kept and... casual. Just kinda throws it for me. I had mixed feelings about Allie up until I saw the Glow part and just.... Okay, I dig it now xD The rework just looks way more gothic than before, which, I guess shes a ghost *Shrug* Overall, lovely quality.


Quite a big alteration to their original designs. I honestly don't think I'd recognize them if they were just tossed out there. But hey, it's what you envisioned, and that's what's important.

Owen Ames

I love the new body for them


I don't like them one bit. Amber had a darker skin tone and reddish hair, making her more distinct than Jenny. Guess I'll unsub after JOA comes out next year :|


They're pretty nice overall though something about Amber doesn't give off the same vibe as the old one but can't place exactly what. Might be her arms being beside her waist instead of behind it making her waist feel less pronounced, might be her long bangs looking a bit stringy at that smaller thickness, or maybe the flip from shoulder length gloves that leave the rest of her nude to short-sleeve shirt that leaves her arms nude. Definitely not a deal breaker for me, something just feels a smidgen off compared to the old design in my opinion but I can't place it.


Though I'm sure the nude model will give more insight, the addition of pants might just be getting in the way! XD

Suia Loctis

They both got the cake, I wanna smash some blocks


They look good!


Allie is giving me some serious skarpne vibes


Ngl, ill miss Ambers old hair color


sorry, i prefered the old verssion , amber hair and skin color were on spot +Allie was amazing, they look way too cartoonish to my liking :l


Definitely a fan of the new Allie, she has a lot of personality. The new Amber is a little more hit-or-miss, I dig the sort of pale-and-blonde Applejacky aesthetic but it's a huge leap from her old look.


du solltest das alte kopf und haar von der alten amber auf das neue disign übertragen so scheit es weniger wie der standard mc charakter alex. And the new smile of elly feels a bit off!


honestly I could take it or leave it on either of the amber designs, they're both pretty solid on their own I sadly cant say I have any good feelings towards allie here, the change is just too drastic she was my favorite of all the characters before, design and personality wise I was pretty excited to see her get paired with nuria, cause I found her design(and size) super cute as well Idk, but if its what you envisioned then I guess thats what it'll be


I used to hate redesigns because I didn't like it when things changed, but after a while I came to think of redesigns as either the character getting new clothing or them changing as time goes on (basically getting older). Anyways, the remakes are great and I'd still smash them anywhere, or hell with the way Allie now looks she can chain me up and do whatever she wants to do with me


Aww I was a fan of nudist Amber


I like them


Have you ever thought of futa oc


New amber is much, much better


Tbh I like the orange ish hair better then the yellow, but idk probably just me

Johnny Aury Craig

I love this. ^^ Amber feels like a good sort of mirror to Jenny in this way. And she just looks cute.


Out with the old and in with the new~!


I love new Amber's hair..and Allie looks so good in this style. I don't mind the changes.


I love the fangs on Allie, looks great


Aww man, I kinda liked their old designs. Plus Allie's ass got mega nerfed. R.I.P. Allie's ass 2020-2022


Omggg the torn dress draping over Allies butt is fantastic!


I liked their old designs as well. While the new is nice, I will admit my preference/opinion on both. Both designs worked aesthetically because they were unique enough on their own yet still beautiful and sexy. Both still are with these new designs, but the unique factor has gone, in my opinion, out of control. Again, only an opinion, not anything else. I do still like both of the new designs, though. Might learn to love 'em as I do the old, time will tell. Hope to see more soon, especially for more Amber. Only seen one vid with her so far ;~;


Oh wowie! This design for amber looks a lot better than what I had made. Now this is epic.


Pokemon evolution


honestly i like it. if Amber's thighs were a little bit thicker id be all for it, Allie on the other hand looks great.


tbh I rly liked the old Amber


Not gonna lie, I prefer old Amber.


Personally, I prefer the look and color of Amber prior. It feels like a new OC now tbh. She still looks good but the vibe is a bit nerdier now? She kind of gave off a sweet and innocent yet sexy vibe before hand. Plus the long, darker hair and tanner skin tone was more saturated which added to the innocent yet sexy feeling for me. Allie on the other hand I like the new design more but she also gives off a different feel. It was sweet-mischief before but now it’s more chaotic-mischief and generally edgy, especially with the clothing changes. I guess I prefer the previous designs in Amber’s case and the previous vibe in Allie’s. Nonetheless, they both look really good. Yeah I’m just not really feeling the new Amber. She HEAVILY reminds me of SpongeBob after a second look. Ultimately it’s your decision of course. I’m pretty sure you’ll make the new design mesh easily into the animations. Either way I look forward to the anims.


Lol, I can't unsee the Spongebob resemblance now.


Ive always had a thing for redheads, its sad to see ambers hair more blonde than red. I think the models nice its just a huge change from the old.


I really do not like the new Allie in comparison to the old one. Great work, but if it aint broke dont fix it pls


New Allie is fantastic, as long as she still has a softer side. Amber is pretty good, but I'm going to miss those arm socks and the more reddish hair.