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I was thinking of doing one for a while, and I thought it would be interesting (and dumb, how I like it) to see the video Keegan and Paul were watching.

So here we go: "The keegan tapes" where we'll see Keegan's porn collection!

It will be called Keegan tapes, but they're not tapes and Keegan has no dvd cases like in the sketch (?), they're just downloaded videos!

I think it's an interesting tie-in comic for The Hornies series uwu




So is it gonna be like Keegan and Paul on the couch jerking off and it cuts back and forth between the porn and them talking? That'd be funny. Or just straight up collection of ridiculous porn scenarios? I'm here for whatever you do. I love Keegan and Paul's dynamic. The bros jerking off dynamic 🤣


It will be like the 20th Century Boys' Ujiko Ujio spinoff. We'll see the video, and at the end we'll see Keegan and Paul done, covered in cum commenting the video.