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Apologies for the slow updates! I've been busy these past few days and with it being semi-finals week this week.....so Im hella busy!!

Honestly it's been a rough start this week, I didnt do well on one of my exams and I'm kinda sad about that but anywho...theres game updates baby!!

Im gonna do my best to release it this weekend, if not the possibly by early next week? I'm gonna try my best to release it as early as possible tho hehe~

Last update had 11-13k characters I think? This time it's gonna be like 29k or something I need to check later😅

Finally! here's the poll winners!! The poll for This month will be available tomorrow together with the theme for next month as well! so stay tuned for that



Austin Pugh

Sweet really looking forward to this update but no rush on it's speed. If you need extra time for rest, work, or school or even to QC then do that instead.