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Hey everyone, I hope you've been enjoying the first reward this month, because now it is time for the second!

"Too Big", is a previously text-only ending of "The Pill", that has been made as part of our effort to convert all of the 40+ crazy and wacky endings to animated format. Massive thanks to Gina Galore and Areli for their always sensational VO work.

Those watching may find that the boobs are a tad... jigglier... than normal. That's because this month marks the first time I've been able to properly incorporate jiggle physics into a production! It's far from perfect, but I feel it is a big step forward for animation quality and will hopefully only get better. 

It was a tough call to put it into a main production rather than just do tests and prototypes, and it involved a lot of late nights and swearing... but I learn best when under pressure, being forced to find solutions rather than just park things, and I think I've learned more in the last month than in the prior six months combined. Either way I feel I've unlocked a new ability and plan to utilize it going forward.

Finally I'd like to thank everyone who was a patron in February! Coming up in March we've got the always enjoyable March Madness, along with a stand alone animation that intends to slow things down and really focus on the expansion. Catch you then!


Belle Ending - Too Big

Belle Ending - Too Big


Lady Grove

You have put an extraordinary amount of work into this and it's come out amazing. I'm constantly impressed by you and what you are able to achieve. Bravo my love!


More like this would be great!


I'm working to include the things I learnt making this into all my animations moving forward. Still lots to learn though.