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Welcome, welcome one and all! It's November and for the second year running that means we're doing No Nut November! Or at least our characters are. You may recall the first outing in this cavalcade of delayed debauchery, and Jo and Brooke are back for more fun!

Like last time, we'll release the images daily. The start always takes a few pages to get going, and this post contains all the "day zero" images - but I'm planning a few multi image posts so by Monday or so we'll be caught up so it will release day by day.

I always love this format, and I look forward to sharing the inevitable transformative progress with you!




My “shenanigans sense” is tingling…


Who is the ANIMAL that made the dose 1050mg instead of a good round 1000 ????


I'm sure after some more testing the team at BNS will figure that out.


When do the daily pages start?

Lady Grove

Day 1-13 are out now and its daily posts from here on in! https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-nut-november-92858068