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Hey all, I've been busy working away on the big community voted on reward Ocean's Gift. It's a biggun, which may end up being the biggest animation we've done so far (it certainly has the most scenes).

Here are the opening moments, which will hopefully give you a taste of the girl's personalities and a little hint of how it'll all play out. Currently this is planned to be finished and released on the 31st July.

As always, this WIP is subject to change.


Ocean's Gift WIP

Ocean's Gift WIP



I can only confirm the statement: "It's a skill".


Looking forward to it


Girls look amazing and love this setup! So much fun visual storytelling, from Piper's shark-mouth suit to her basking in the shade (while wearing shades lol) and blunt pragmatism contrasting with Chloe's brighter toned attire, placement in the sun, and whimsical demeanor is super well done and appealing. No idea what will follow, but I know it will be awesome!


since the ocean is full of water im sure its got something to do with liquid expansion or some sort of thirst to make them drink maybe even a hose from the ocean lol


Thanks for noticing the details, I put a lot of effort into the mise en scène with this shot 😊

Lady Grove

🤔 excellent deductive reasoning - if you want to know the basic plot line though check out this post and all will be revealed (well not all but more than here) https://www.patreon.com/posts/results-are-in-3-80271595


Very cool! Still have to check how to get to those WIPS :-)

Lady Grove

DM BE Grove if you need any specific tech support but glad to hear you think it looks cool 😊


Cant wait to see the full movie


Thanks man! Appreciate the vote of confidence as I race to get these final parts animated.


get a pissed off mermaid put a growth spell on piper cuz shes a bitch to her on land but doesnt know shes a mermaid lol like whenever piper touches water she grows, idk just a thought