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Christmas may have passed, but that doesn't mean we're done for the year! Still coming this month is the animated version of The Pill ending "Portable Seating".

You can find a stash of preview pics above, and also a preview animation from one of the various growth scenes in it.

Warning - thar be booty ahead!




Yar we pirates love da booty🤣. What's a pirates favorite letter? R? No a pirates real love is the C 🤣

Deandre Day

I like what I see so far but judging by the gamer panties I'm guessing she also loves to play video games too I'm guessing that's a side of her we don't see in the game though. Anyway can't wait to see it once it's finished I'm looking forward to seeing her massive butt.


I feel like this video is just going to gloss over Trish making Belle the butt of every joke. Butt seriously I can't wait to see it! Butt.

Lady Grove

I should have known there'd be a pirate pun in this post 😜


I was wondering where all the butt jokes would be. I'm glad I got to the bottom of it :P