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You brilliant bastards did it! As of this moment, we have finally reached the 1500 person milestone! (we'll bounce back down at the end of the month, as all Patreons do, but I consider the milestone officially passed).

This milestone marked the point at which I would be able to give up "normal" work and focus purely on The Grove, and as some of you know I have actually been doing so since June. But the fact we were able to get here so quickly after I went full time on The Grove really helps reaffirm that I made the right call and that I'll be here for the long haul (touch wood).

Working full-time last month I was able to make Change Deck, and while this month there isn't as grand a reward, I have used the time to purchase and set up two new computers as a render farm, which have doubled my rendering capacity. What that means going forward is longer, higher-quality animations. 

I've also put out a call for VO artists and have had some great leads and conversations coming from that (thanks to all who've suggested or come forward). So in short I am very optimistic about things going forward!

Keen-eyed patrons will note there is a second part of the 1500 patron milestone, that "If we hit this number I will animate each and every one of The Pill's endings - with full audio". A claim made by a younger and foolish me, who underestimated the generosity of this amazing community.

So my path on that is clear, and after finishing Luca's chapter, the next update of The Pill will revolutionize the endings with animated versions. What they'll specifically look like will be prototyped and shown to you all before being rolled out on the 40+ endings.

Finally, I just wanted to reiterate what I said on the new discord and thank you all so much for your support. I very literally could not have got to where I am without you and love the little community we've got going here. Now it's time for me to get back to it! ;)

P.S. The banner and full res version of the animation can be found attached!




Congratulations 😄🎉

Ryan IF

Hell yeah! Congrats!






Growth all around!!!!


Congrats, you deserve it


Congrats, well deserved! :)


Well deserved! Keep up the amazing work.


Congratulations man!!! No one is more deserving of reaching an epic goal like this than you are. You've always given this community your all man, and it shows! Your generosity knows no bounds and it's so good to see it coming back to you man! I knew this day would come! We bow to thee god-king!!


Hey TMK, thanks for all the kind words, and for being a supporter since the very very early days. It has been a long ride!