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First reward for this month is a sex based BE growth animation! I normally end these with a climax or something similar, but I liked the idea that after she realized what was happening that she just kept at it throughout the night, pound after pound, inch after inch... I'll leave it to your imagination as to how big she ends up ;)

Download link 


And They Continued...



If they could have stayed around H that would have been perfect for multiple reasons. The bounce looked more natural and realistic when they where smaller and it still was true until around H cup once they got bigger than that the motion wasn't realistic with their size they should have started to move differently. The motion period was kind of... I wouldn't say robotic but something similar. Because well sex isn't robotic and neither should then motion. And well my last reason is I'm not a fan of them getting much bigger than HH anyway lol. Also the once they got bigger they looked super fake especially with the amount of movement and the movement pattern and I love natural. I'm so sorry if my post is offensive I just wanted to give feedback.


Hey Brandon, thanks for the feedback. I'll keep in mind about sizes as it's always good to hear from people who aren't big on the impossible sizes. You'd be surprised (or possibly not) about the number of times that regardless of the size that I make them I am inundated with requests to make them bigger, so it's a good reminder that it's not for everyone.


Wow, nice. Thank you. I really love her facial expressions and absolutely appreciate the supersize breasts. But I'm just a ''breasts can never be to big'' kind of guy 😄.


This was an amazing animation! From concept to execution - everything about it was great

Grant Krones

it reminded me of when dragoon used to do sex growth scenes

Danielle Fleming

I love milk should I have some of this milk .


I'm thinking this is for Sunday at the Farm... if so then I'm sure we all wish that milk existed!


I'm not familiar with dragoon's stuff by name, is it still available anywhere?


bring on the sound!!!!!!! And yes growth too!!!!!!


I'll add this one as a contender for the next 'Sound of Boobies' poll where I take an old post and add audio in.