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Howdy hey all and welcome to June!

Have you guys heard about the latest discovery from NASA? Apparently Earth is circling a previously undiscovered black hole – which due to time dilation explains why this year has felt 100,000,000 years long.

I think we can agree that we’ll remember this year for a long time to come, but one thing you don’t have to remember is where all the assorted content is on the Grove, because it’s collated right here in this post! (SEGUE!)


Link to latest Content Catch Up post here!

CHECK OUT COLLECTIONS: You can also search by collection. Here are a couple of popular ones: Cursed // The Pill game builds or animations (including the endings) // Standalone BE Animations // Comics // Change Deck // SuperSized // Resize Rivalry



As a scientist I appreciate the joke. Unfortunately, time still passes as normal within the reference frame you're in... so we wouldn't notice a difference even if that were true :P Haven't you ever seen Stargate SG1 !?