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Hey everyone, almost at the weekend! Soon you'll finally have a chance to throw off your work lack of pants and wear your weekend lack of pants!

This week I've got a different perspective to this classic post (and no, not the existing different perspective). It's time to walk a mile in her shoes and check out the animation from her point of view!

Downloadable version here 



"Shrunk" POV



Nicely done!


Loving your work, I'm really enjoying The Pill update! Sorry I haven't commented in a while but rest assured I'm always happy to see new content from you. I hope you are doing well and staying safe during these difficult times. I would much prefer a boobdemic.


All good DL! I appreciate any comments or feedback that comes through but we're all busy and there are definitely more important things going on even at the best of times, let alone now. I'm with you about the boobdemic.