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Hey all - another big update to The Pill coming your way!

This one changes so many systems from version 0.2.0 that I'd recommend just grabbing it now and checking out all the new titbits yourself! And be assured - as per the poll earlier this month I have added in more BE!

Note: Loading old saves will likely break this new build.

For those who are interested in specifically what has changed read on:

- Complete overhaul of the choice UI (now lists that come in from the side)

- Complete overhaul of finishing story arcs (Players no longer have to go back to the menu between story arcs)

- Added character selection screen (introducing new character... Trish! More on her coming soon)

- Added new story element - the narrator (To 'splain things)

- Added 2 new endings (That lovely lovely BE)

- Added 2 new CG pics (To go with the endings)

- Modified the BE arc (To encompass the new BE story elements)

- Changed “take 5 BE pills” ending (I wasn't happy with the intro and made it present tense).

- Fixed first BE animation transition (So it will now match Belle's beginning and end poses)

- Fixed issue causing game to freeze when skipping through butt growth line (That skip button can really cause grief in the build, but it's so useful!)

- Changed game font (For your eyeball's pleasure)

In the end this update near doubles the size of the game and I feel it gives the whole premise a better sense of purpose. 

Let me know what you think and if you come across any bugs or typos!




I encountered a bug with the "Undo Time" option at the end. Using it played the undo animation, and then I was stuck at a black screen forever.


Are you using a mac or pc? Also could you describe the ending that it occurred (or does it always happen?)


keep up the good shit, ur out here doing god's work honestly