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  • Overdose.mp4



*Note - has been re-posted as youtube immediately took the video down. The dorks.*

Cheryl eyed the pills in front of her. The packet claimed that a single pill would 'give her the body of her dreams'. At a price tag of $2000 a pop she certainly could believe the spiel - but Cheryl was never one to do things half-hearted (which was part of how she ended up in the predicament that she was in). 

Plus, she figured that claim was to help regular folks turn attractive and she was already far behind the eight ball in that department.

So she had spent her life savings - blown it all on getting a full compliment of five pills. What was she going to spend it on otherwise? A holiday? Then she'd just have to worry about her bikini body and would be sent in a shame spiral, so why bother?

Without a second thought she downed the quintuple dose and sat back... waiting.


Hey folks! Hope you enjoy the second sweater stretcher reward for April. Given the launch of The Pill this month I figured I'd say on topic and give a slightly different pill story. You can find a higher res downloadable version attached!

Speaking of The Pill I've completed the main bits of the new content and now it's mostly down to debugging. My weekend is pretty hectic but the current plan is to have it posted late Sunday/Early Monday. Something to start your next week off with a bang :)



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