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Hey folks, happy Easter! Hope you're all having some time off and gorging yourselves on chocolate, as is the ancient tradition.

I'm still in the midst of working on version 0.2.0 (which will include the BE and butt expansion combo) but thought I'd pop in to give y'all a preview of one of the secret endings I'm also adding in. 

I'm hoping it'll be ready to go by next weekend, however it's a big ass addition (this makes the game about 1/3 larger) so it may slip in to next week with debugging. I've also got the next page of M&M coming this week so keep your eyes peeled for that!

Also - why would any sick bastard peel eyes?




Niiiice, I like. Always fun when a creator puts a little nod towards their other works. Happy Easter to you too! Can't wait to see more!


Cheers HC - I do have a penchant to refer to my older works... tbh I kind of feel all my work takes place is the same universe, which grows as the content does, as strange as that might be.


Hope you had a good Easter. :) Now there's an idea, chocolate that makes boobs and butts grow.


Especially if it has zero calories. It'd be the biggest selling chocolate in the world!