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“What the hell is this?!” Jade exclaimed, indicating her new assets. “I go to sleep a perfect b-cup and wake up some… some over-boobed circus freak!”

Her producer sneered. “Look, babe…” he started, the seemingly permanent condescension as present as ever. “The fact of the matter is that your latest single just isn’t selling. People are tired of the plain old you”.

Jade attempted to begin her lengthy and expletive laden response to that, but was cut off with a raised finger. “We ran endless focus groups on this” he continued “and the results were near unanimous – bigger is better!”

“Were the focus groups filled with grotesque perverts?” Jade seethed. The producer was nonplussed. “I’ll be honest with you Jadey babe – they were” he stated matter of factly. “But here’s the rub – that ‘grotesque pervert’ as you so plainly put it is your exact target demographic”.

“I…” Jade started but was once again cut off. “I know, I know, we’ve had the conversation a billion times” the producer said. “You want to appeal to young girls trying to make their mark in the world. I get that. Super respect it. And like we said if you break the million in sales we’ll do a girl friendly special. Till then…” He trailed off, indicating her new fulsome assets.

Jade attempted to cross her arms in a sign of indignation but succeeded only in cupping her new breasts, pushing her cleavage up and almost out of her shirt. “That’s perfect!” the producer exclaimed, a wicked grin from ear to ear “You do that in front of the fans in your audience and they’ll lose their collective minds!”.

Jade pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to work through her frustration. “How… just how the hell did you even do this?!” she fumed. “Well babe I guess you really didn’t read your contract did you” the producer said, sitting back in his chair and steepling his fingers. “When you signed up you gave us complete control of your music, persona and look. We take that sort of thing very seriously here”.

“But… monster boobs?” Jade stammered “I thought it was like giving me shoes and stuff!”. “Nope.” the producer said, rising to his feet. “It’s the whole shebang. And incidentally…” he continued, resting his hand on her shoulder “we are gonna be sending some new clothes over to you tomorrow.” Eyeing her up and down he continued “I don’t want to give anything away, but let’s just say we’re not done with ‘improving’ our best signer. That’s for sure.”

The producer walked past Jade and opened the door, indicating the meeting was over. “Enjoy them while they last, honey” he said, indicating the doorway. “Doorways, I mean. When we’re done you’re definitely going to have to approach them… ‘differently’.”


Hope you enjoyed it! I've got a bunch of alternate renders attached, as well as a version of the image above with text (so if you'd like to revisit it you don't need to trudge back here!).




Thank you for the story, I enjoyed reading this cautionary tale.


Indeed so! Make sure you never sign an agreement with a clause like that in it... Or do... Or insist on it! Whatever works for you :D