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I don't think it's a surprise that, like many of you, I'm a fan of sci fi. I've even indulged in some franchise based B.E.

One such franchise has been Star Trek. Now since there's a new Trek on TV* for the first time in ages, I decided to delve back into the Trek world for another round of bust enhancement. But which trek to choose from?! I'll let you decide.

*For basically the first half of the pilot, then a cash grab to get you to sign up for yet another streaming service.



The new Trek is, in fact, NOT on tv. You have to subscribe to CBS's digital streaming service separately to see it.


Ah my apologies, I have amended the post ;) As an Australian we don't have the extra CBS service, so for us it just comes via Netflix, which is about 90% of how I watch TV anyhow.