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March Madness: Semi Final #2 - Chloe vs Luca

  • Chloe 673
  • Luca 713
  • 2024-03-18
  • —2024-03-21
  • 1386 votes
{'title': 'March Madness: Semi Final #2 - Chloe vs Luca', 'choices': [{'text': 'Chloe', 'votes': 673}, {'text': 'Luca', 'votes': 713}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 21, 22, 54, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 18, 4, 56, 23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 1386}


UPDATE: and Luca takes out our last semi final. Voting for the Grand Final will begin soon


The two final girls in the semi have been no slouches in their previous rounds! Our final girls have been no slouch in their previous matchups.

Chloe is the girl next door who might have some pretty bad ideas... but is definitely well meaning. And through the powers of Xestan has had some pretty lively adventures to boot (and to her booty).

While Chloe may be a victim of her own making, Luca is the sort to run head first into trouble! Whether it is self experimentation or simply science gone awry, she's always in for a good bout of growth.

Will this pill popping veteran have what it takes to take down last year's Grand Finalist? Time to get voting.



Definitely a tough match-up here!


Voting for Chloe because I know Luca is going to win.


We'll definitely be getting more Luca in the future, so my vote goes to Chloe here. (Mostly because I cannot vote for Jane in this matchup. *grumble grumble grumble*)

Jeb Johnston

Tough choice. Was really hoping for Luca, but not looking good so far

Jeb Johnston

Don't understand that logic at all, but okay


Support brainy brunettes today! Vote Luca!

Lady Grove

The last semi final is hard - good luck with voting everyone. Going to be a really interesting Grand Final this year!

William wright

Personally this one is the easiest vote for me so far. Luca is one of my favorites and I never liked Chloe.

Deandre Day

Science must win vote for Luca.

Azure Dragoon

Man, these March Madness votes get wild each year. So unpredictable. I thought Luca might sweep this round.

William wright

Most votes for Luca seem to occur around 12 hours in. I expect her to take the led in a few hours.


Gotta go with adorkable, that's always my favorite quality. Go Chloe!

Birthday Cake

As said by another Luca lover, Most votes for Luca seem to occur around 12 hours in. Expect her to take the lead in a few hours.

Birthday Cake

Literally 50/50 when writing this but I have faith Luca will pull through and Duke it out with Jane.

William wright

Either way, I never voted for Chloe. Personally I feel Chloe is very shallow of a character with no real backstory.

Bertholdt Starkarm

Considering the amount of work they put in to get the guy, Luca scores again. A 10 minute Internet research against "I have several whiteboards ready" -okay, yea, a little bit creepy still, but hey- is no match. And honestly, would date double charisma Luca 24/7 :-P


Closest battle yet!!!

William wright

Honestly I would try to talk her into a 4th pill, just to see what happens, you know because science.


If their comic/animation made me laugh and features butt expansion then they have my vote. Which means if Jane and Luca are the finalists I'm going to have to really think. Also shout out to the stuff you make! Thank you for the entertainment, fun and the consistent 'Heh' I get at your posts.


Hand on chloe!!