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Kara training with Carmen, the best worst trainer ever because...I mean look at her. Your ego just curls up and dies in a pitch-black void of nihilism when you see just how far you are from the peak.

If you wanna hear Kara say horrible, hateful, senseless things (about herself), find her mid-workout. That face isn't lying about her mental state, but those emotions are pointed squarely inward when she's quiet.




sheesh, she looks like a feral animal. love it! Kara's got a really fun design. i hope to see more of her. :D


One monster training another to get even more monstrous! 🥩🤤🥵


I guess if you're gonna train under Carmen you've just got to accept you'll never surpass her. Unless you're Lilly. Lilly is the exception to the rule. Lilly is the exception to a lot of rules.