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I dunno if I'll share these anywhere else, but here's a bunch of sketches for "Kara", an ex-Air Force "base cop" turned PMC security (like for banks) that Carmen trains. She's got a heart of gold, but bad roid rage and wears a partial hoodie so that she can hide her face and ignore people instead of screaming at them when she's having an..."emotional moment". She'll kick your teeth in and then have a real ugly cry about it if you're unlucky.

None of these were quite right for what I wanted her to look like, so they're all just sketches. I've got a piece with her final face that I'm rendering.



Konotomo (Milkrules-sama)

It's been really cool seeing her development and I know her final form now is something more akin to what you want. She's a real neato character. :)


Definitely love seeing the process in how she came to be design wise and man oh man what a beefcake! Then that roidjaw is really doing something to me too haha 🥩🤤🥵


Love to see the process behind making a character. I'm always impressed by the amount of work and thought you put into stuff