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The #jackochallange was trending today, and I didn't have a single drawing for it. :( How did I not know that everyone was going to have Jack-O pose drawings today?! WHERE WAS THE MEMO?!!

Anyways, Jacked-O pose




I was wondering if we'd see everyone's favorite beef cake do this now that people made it a "challenge". Very pleased to see it happen.


Te~chnically she's too big to actually do the Jack-O pose...her thighs are stuck on her lats. That's to say nothing about the ass situation. xP


This is the first time I've seen the Jack-O pose on character this muscular and I have to say, you pulled it off beautifully!


:D This pose was actually pretty hard to draw. Getting the anatomy right is always a whole Thing with Lilly, but the sheer size and lack of clothing to hide mistakes with was another Thing. Sometimes Lilly being perpetually half-naked (at best) can really up the difficulty.


Everything turned out incredible in the end, and it's nice to see Lilly is still this flexible given already enormous size! Again, awesome work dude!


Any chance we could see this as a YCH somedays?🙂


Sure, just hit me up with a Message when you're interested/ready/have the details. Ya know, all that commission jazz.