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- Each person can suggest 1-2 character for ONLY OC, if you suggest 2 characters - make SEPARATED comments for each char.

- Then I pick the 7 suggestions with more likes, and add them to a 1st round poll.

- Please, include an "Imgur" or any other link of the character you suggest.

I do not draw:
Juvenile characters, people from real life, furry (60% of human at least is OK), not your OCs (if they weren't allowed to people to draw), robots, complicated armor.



My Egg Demon (sorry just a rough draft) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SXSlxYvAnVJ_Qc-iufcZI6iFEapSFPxn/view?usp=drive_link


You have to change your share settings to allow anyone with the link. If you want, you can select each item in there and also disable the download option if that's a concern for you.

Kara Eressea

My OC, Kara Eressea: https://sta.sh/225jz860bfer