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Results are in!!! It seems we like our queens fiery and single-minded around here, because [Adult] Azula -- or should I say, "Fire Lord Azula" -- has burned away the competition in a display of supremacy that I'm sure she would find very pleasing!

This will be a peek into an alternate future timeline in which Azula triumphed over the Gaang and went on to crush the entire Avatar world under her feet...

I will start work on grown-up queen Azula very soon! =D

If your favourite character didn't win this time, please don't be disheartened -- every character who is suggested for a qualifying poll three times without being drawn goes on the 'Waifu Waiting List' for a guaranteed illustration! =D

Current list:
Liliana Vess (Magic the Gathering)

Enjoy your weekends, and look out for some more fetish art from me very soon! =D



Yess! Hail Queen Azula