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Yeah, what a title huh ?
I don’t know how to explain this folks but i’m literally stuck on the new pages of the week…I’ve tried for days to draw them but nothing is coming out.

To much on my plate lately, a twisted leg last week, other health problems stacking up, long term friendship issues devolving into a “divorce”, people coming at home the last minute…I don’t find mental space to just sit and draw that freaking climax !

I feel like shit, i’m stressed and angry, i don’t want to make you pay my personal issues and i’m spiraling a bit more everyday to the point of “O-K, i have to do something, a-ny-thing !”.
So instead, i’ve chose to make you an apology-illustration, not too fancy but lore friendly depicting a young Gayl fighting in the infamous “Fuck Wars”.

I hope for this to be done and finished this Sunday tops, Gods i hate “art-blocks”, i’m sincerely sorry for the delay and hope next week will be more merciful  !

See you soon, enjoy this WIP meanwhile, trillions of kisses…Fuck i’m so pissed at myself !! *slams the door with shame and anger*…❤️
…* reopen the door*…sorry…😔



Saber AnSheeth

This is epic, like those break poster in comics back in the day! I love it! Hope things get better!


Rest well and take the time you need to relax :) health is the most important, so keep well buddy!!