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A while ago on Twitter, I came across this line art by an artist named "Milo Hornyck" and I wanted to take a shot and coloring it.  

It took some time in order to get the colors right especially since there were several different colors in one area, such as the different reds in her chest piece.  Then there's the black, red, and silver on the stockings.  

I admit that I used the original version to get an idea of where to put the shadows but everywhere else I went on my own instincts about it.  After that, I wanted to do my own version of the background that they did.  So I found a freestock pic of static, added some red to it, then added some outer glow effects and viola.  

If you want to see the original, here it is;  https://twitter.com/MHornyck/status/1388660340909649923

Go have a look at Milo Hornyck's twitter page:  https://twitter.com/MHornyck

(C) Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch - X-men - Marvel Comics

