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I know that I haven't done much in the way of art recently but the  regular job and other things have stopped me from doing my coloring  commissions.  Here we have a coloring piece drawn by CallMePo and commissioned to me by Rudeboy308

This one was oddly simply and complicated to do.  For one, the  simplicity of the outfit was the fact that it was one character but the  complicated part was with the different colors on one uniform.  Doing  this made me start to sympathize with the animators for the Tenchi  series itself.

the other part that was hard was Kiyone's hair, if you know the Tenchi  series and it's various sequels and spin-offs then you'll know what I  mean about her hair.  The fact of it is that it seems to change color  and shades from series to series and so that makes it hard to pin down.   Is it dark blue?  Is it black?  Is it a deep green?  It's hard to pin  down but with a little tinkering, I think I managed to get it.  But in  the end, it was the opinion of the commissioner that sealed it.  And  they were very pleased with it.

Thank you, Rudeboy308 for commissioning me and my thanks to CallMePo for drawing it.

(C) Kiyone - Tenchi Muyo - Hitoshi Okuda

(Sarcasm): Thank you, Patreon, for not allowing me to post any actual artwork here.  



David Rudisill

And a great job you did on it!