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A while ago on Twitter I came across this artist named  "NudieDoodles" who did this art piece or rather designed a character  that they called "Noodle"

I  saw it and instantly loved it.  I think it was because of the fact that  she had this cuteness to her and the fact that she had short hair which  is something that I don't think is done enough with characters these  days.  So I had this idea because in one of the tweets Harry Potter came  up, at least I think that's how it came up, and I had this idea of  Noodle being in her Hogwarts house but underneath she's wearing panties  of a house she's secretly rooting for. 

So,  I contacted NudieDoodles and discussed the whole idea with them and  they liked it already.  Initially when I discussed the line art I wanted  it to be that she's wearing a Slytherin Uniform but wearing Ravenclaw  panties.  Though NudieDoodles said that she saw her rooting for  Gryffindor.  So, a compromise was reached in which the panties would be  left blank so that way when I color them I can put in whatever colors  and crest I'd like. 

After it was done,  the real fun began.  Most of the uniform was gray but that was okay  because that really helps the colors of her pop a little more.   Especially for the tie and the panties.  Because of the earlier  discussion with NudieDoodles, I decided to make two versions.  First the  Slytherin uniform with Gryffindor panties and then another with  Ravenclaw panties. 

And I couldn't help but continue to send work in progress pictures to NudieDoodles a lot. 

But  the biggest challenge at the end was making a background and so I did a  little research into the look of Hogwarts halls backgrounds.  And much  like a lot of really old schools in the United Kingdom, there are stone  walls with paintings on the wall.  So I spoke with NudieDooldes about  this idea and it was suggested that I'd be throwing in my old artwork in  the background but I dismissed it saying that I'd like to put in old  artwork of theirs in the background. 

The art pieces I put in, if you're curious are these:


Ghost Girl

Karen Aragi

Thank you, NudieDoodles, for doing this art piece and allowing me to color it. 

Note:  All character(s) depicted here are 18 years of age or older. 

(C) Noodle - NudieDoodles

(C)  Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hogwarts - J.K. Rowling - Scholastic  Publishing/Warner Bros.  (Trans Rights are Human Rights, Rowling)

(sarcasm) Thank you, Patreon, for not allowing me to post any actual artwork here.  



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