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This is the colored version of the New Lineart Commission that Bokuman did for me.

This one is a color creation of a nemesis character that I created for the Amalgam character The Iron Lantern which I also had Bokuman do for me.

For  the Iron Lantern’s Nemesis, I used a little something of my own fusion -  I don’t exactly know who the original Iron Lantern’s arch-foe is so I  created one.  For this I fused The Iron Monger with Sinestro.  However,  as far as the name went I couldn’t go with something like “Iron  Sinestro” or “Sinestro Monger” or anything like that since it wouldn’t  exactly sound right.  So I went into another direction.  I know that the  Lantern’s power has no effect on anything yellow so I started with  yellow and that led me to the idea of gold.  Thinking about gold and its  effect on people led me to the word “miser”.  Thus I created the new  name “Gold Miser”.

After creating the name I went with the idea of how he would look.  So  in my mind I began to think about the Iron Monger himself and the armor  that he has (namely the armor in the film).  I thought to myself that if  the Gold Miser  has the power of the Yellow Ring he wouldn’t need some of the things  that the Iron Monger’s armor has -namely the hydraulics on the legs,  shoulders, and arms.  As well as the weapons on its arms - definitely  wouldn’t need any of that.

So taking those off left a far  more bare-bones version of it.  And just like the Iron Lantern I  imagined  the chest piece having Sinestro’s symbol on it.  So I gathered that  information and gave it to Bokuman and just like the magic that he has  worked before has created this.  

The coloring of Gold Miser was both complex as it was simple.  For one I only had one major set of colors to worry about  - the gold itself.  What made it complex was the little parts and  peices that were spread throughout the armor itself - which is such a  wonderful gift of Bokuman’s that he can give life to these things in a  way that only his talent could do.

After finalizing the highlights to make it more golden I said to myself, “It’s Finished”.

© Iron Monger - Iron Man - Marvel Comics

© Sinestro - Green Lantern - DC Comics  

 (sarcasm) Thank you, Patreon, for allowing me not to post my artwork  here that even though it may be safe for work there's always the  possibility of me being suspended.  So thank you and you're   wonderful   moderators for that.    



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