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Hey hey Patrons!

We're back with some delay due to those confounded holidays and such!

And to make it extra special we got one of the best to ever do it, the lovely Jenilea is in tow for this ep, and we're thrilled to have her! 

We get a couple of our fave travel partners, Brienne of Fucking Tarth and Jaime and we're having a blast at their continued pissing contest! 

Another brush with disaster happens as Cersei mistakes Ros for Tyrion's Whore and we get one of the all-time BARS off insults! 

And we find out that Raisin Bran and Rickon are still alive in the Crypts! 

Follow this exclusive link to hang!!



The Watchers in the Bar




Can't wait! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!


This episode is an example of why I have so many quibbles with the changes they made to certain characters story’s from the book A Clash of Kings to the show. I think the show runners wanted to take advantage of the handsome young actors they had playing Jon Snow and Robb Stark and thought that the viewers would just love creating romance stories for both of them. I realize that both of those relationships do occur in the books, but in very different ways. I really dislike that they made it out as if the entire reason Qorin Halfhand and the other rangers were captured by the Wildings was entirely Jon’s fault because he couldn’t kill Ygritte and ran off chasing her. The actual book scenario for that storyline is much better IMO, and definitely paints Jon in a better light. With Rob’s story I think that it involved a lot of condensing and removing extraneous characters for the show. So I am a little less critical of what changes they made there, while still preferring the book version. I also really dislike the show’s treatment of Dany in Qarth. I know that a lot of people think that Dany’s chapters in the second book are the weakest of her chapters, with the exception of the House of the Undying Ones. But I really like those chapters and hate this dragon kidnapping ploy they developed instead. In general I just wish they hadn’t deviated so much from the books this season. I’m glad to say they seemed to return to the source material much more for season 3. That said, I’m really looking forward to the reaction for the next episode, which is one of the best for any season of GOT IMO.