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Hey hey Patrons!

We have the full reaction to the TEASER TRAILER of ATLA from the slowly redeeming itself Netflix, and then we break down the trailer nearly scene for scene. 

Then we talk about how we'd bully Zuko by telling him we're gonna fuck his Dad. 

You're welcome. 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


More Loki, Invincible, FMAB, and COWBOY BEBOP ON THE WAY! 


The Watchers in the Bar 



John Cedar

I want it to be good, I so want it to be good. I think we can safely say the VFX will be good, but that wasn't really my concern in 2023. I want to see some dialogue scenes first before I get my hopes up. Azula's actress has the biggest shoes to fill for me, that voice and those mannerisms are just so iconic. The sets do look great which is so important for this universe.


With how much attention to detail has already been shown, I'm pretty hopeful that the dialogue/characters are going to be closer to 1:1 with the show. The bending hasn't gotten enough hype from others, I think the firebending looks so damn good.